This site is where I publish words and photos. The section that's most updated most often is atoms, small multimedia particles reminiscent of a Twitter feed. I update my now page monthly according to what I'm working on and thinking about. I publish a newsletter as often as I can.

Once in a while, I write longer form articles on technical subjects like APIs, Go, or Postgres:

I put short stream of consciousness thoughts into tiny posts called fragments:

  • Your Go version CI matrix might be wrong August 11, 2024

    As of Go 1.21, Go fetches toolchains automatically, and it’s easy to not be running the version that you thought you were running.

  • Elden Ring July 25, 2024

    I broke my promise never to give FromSoftware money again, and it was okay.

  • Sqlc: 2024 check in June 16, 2024

    Quick thoughts on whether sqlc is still the direction for Go projects now that we’ve been using it for three years.

I write a newsletter about the philosophy of software called Nanoglyph: