Published sequence 035.

This turned out to be a bit of a yakshake as I found out that despite a lot of work adding support to this site for various types of image formats over the years, it still wasn’t well set up for .heics that come out of an iPhone. ImageMagick resizes them, but browser support sits comfortably at 0% so it’s not a format you want to use on the web. I added some code to the build process convert them to WebP (96% support), but that in turn required sizable refactoring to support outputs with an extension different than their input.

I should investigate using WebP as a general target regardless of the input format since it overall seems like a better default that produces better results by default compared to mucking around with JPGs and PNGs. But it’s not super pressing because although WebPs will produce considerably better compression than most JPG exports, they’re not too much better than a JPG that’s been optimized via MozJPEG, which this site does.