Last week we ran into a product degradation where a user with an enormous number of tables was seeing timeouts trying to fetch a list of their cluster’s databases from one of our API endpoints. The endpoint had been using pg_database_size() to get sizes for each database, with these being used as a proxy for which were most active to determine the one that should take precedence in the UI.

I verified the problem locally by creating a database with a heck of a lot of tables:

$ createdb many_table_test
$ for i in {1..220000}; do
      psql postgres:///many_table_test -c "CREATE TABLE table_$i (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY)";

And watching pg_database_size become degenerately slow:

# select pg_database_size('many_table_test');
(1 row)

Time: 22739.724 ms (00:22.740)

23 seconds to calculate the size of a database on a fast, local disk.

Taking a look at Postgres’ source, the problem is quickly apparent. Calculating database size involves descending through every one of its files on disk and adding them all up:

/* Return physical size of directory contents, or 0 if dir doesn't exist */
static int64
db_dir_size(const char *path)
    int64 dirsize = 0;

    while ((direntry = ReadDir(dirdesc, path)) != NULL)
        if (stat(filename, &fst) < 0)
        dirsize += fst.st_size;

    return dirsize;

Every table (all 200k+ of them) is a separate file:

$ psql river_test
river_test=# SELECT pg_relation_filepath('river_job');

river_test=# SELECT pg_relation_filepath('river_leader');

I patched the immediate problem by removing uses of pg_database_size and falling back instead to pg_stat_database, which includes a number of statistics that work as rough proxies for size/activity. I used xact_commit, the number of committed transactions. A call to pg_stat_reset() would reset the number, but in any active database it’d grow quickly again.