PGX + sqlc v4 to v5 upgrade notes

Last week, we upgraded from pgx v4 to v5. PGX v5 brings in some nice incremental improvements, with the major one being that packages have been reorganized so that pgtype, pgconn, and pgproto3 all move into the pgx Go module instead of living on their own, and that has the major advantage of making the versioning between them much less confusing.

Upgrading pgx was the easy part. The hard part was upgrading sqlc to use the new pgx v5 driver, which had been available for a few months, but was only considered stable in the latest sqlc 1.18 release.

Notes from the upgrade:

  • For nullable fields, pgx types like pgtype.Text are now preferred over sql types like sql.NullString.
  • Some types like jsonb got easier to work with by becoming []byte instead of pgtype.JSONB. pgtype.JSONB was particularly annoying because its zero value was Undefined, meaning that for any query that contained one you’d have to make sure to explicitly initialize a pgtype.JSONB regardless of whether it was used or not because pgx would refuse to write an Undefined value.
  • In general, PGX v5 did away with its “tri-state” Status system of Undefined/Present/Null in favor of an sql-like Valid boolean, so types like []byte that are already nullable now fit better in the paradigm.
  • cidr and inet become netip.Prefix. A little annoying to have to make the change, but unlike net.IP, netip structs are immutable and support == comparisons.
  • Range types use the new pgtype.Range[] generic type instead of specific ones like pgtype.Tstzrange (and also drop the tri-state Status field in favor of the simpler Valid boolean). This is a great use of Go’s generics and makes everything easier and more predictable.

We were making such heavy use of sql.Null* types that in order to not produce a patch with a million-line diff, I manually mapped back to sql.Null* in sqlc’s configuration (for the nullable variants only – sqlc does the right thing and maps to Go built-ins for non-nullable fields):

  - db_type: "pg_catalog.bool"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullBool"
    nullable: true
  - db_type: "pg_catalog.float8"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullFloat64"
    nullable: true
  - db_type: "pg_catalog.int4"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullInt32"
    nullable: true
  - db_type: "pg_catalog.int8"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullInt64"
    nullable: true
  - db_type: "pg_catalog.varchar"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullString"
    nullable: true
  - db_type: "text"
    go_type: "database/sql.NullString"
    nullable: true

The v5 driver changes uuids to use pgtype.UUID which wasn’t interoperable with anything else we already had, so I mapped those back to Google’s package:

  - db_type: "uuid"
    go_type: ""
  - db_type: "uuid"
    go_type: ""
    nullable: true

I found pgtype.Interval really hard to work with because it doesn’t give you any way to convert to and from time.Duration, so we mapped to time.Duration for more ergonomic use:

  - db_type: "pg_catalog.interval"
    go_type: "time.Duration"
  - db_type: "pg_catalog.interval"
    # It seems like this could be the simpler `go_type: "*time.Duration"`, but
    # that outputs double points like `**time.Duration` for reasons that are
    # beyond me (bug?). The expanded version of `go_type` usage below works.
      import: "time"
      type: "Duration"
      pointer: true
    nullable: true

The other one that’s awful to work with is pgtype.Numeric because there aren’t any built-ins for interchanging it with more common Go number types like float64/int64/uint64. I didn’t find any clean workarounds, so I implemented utility functions for conversions (although am on the look out for something better).

The hardest bug I had to resolve during the upgrade was related the WaitForNotification helper for receiving a pg_notify message. Previously, if its connection was released, it’d send an error back to the caller that’d force it to die as well. That doesn’t happen anymore, and my program would hang on shutdown because I’d deferred a Close() on the connection pool, which won’t return until all resources are released by the pool, and resources would never be released because WaitForNotification would never be interrupted, causing my program to hang on exit (luckily the problem was discovered in CI thanks to our program start check).

The fix was to make sure to use a cancellable context which is cancelled on shutdown:

ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)

// Waiting on a notification is only cancellable by canceling its context,
// so here, cancel on shutdown so that we stop listening and exit cleanly.
go func() {

if err := startListening(ctx, listenConn, waitGroup); err != nil {
    // Manifests from cancellation as the worker is shutting down.
    if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {


The total diff was 114 files changed and ~800 lines of code over a focused session of ~6 hours. It was somewhat painful, but now that it’s over, I’m glad to have tackled it because usage of sqlc was only moving in one direction, so the project was only getting harder. Another few months and it might not have been possible to do in a single change, and figuring out how to have multiple pgx versions coexist while upgrading incrementally would’ve added a whole novel layer to the ordeal.

Did I make a mistake? Please consider sending a pull request.