Optimizing row storage in 8-byte chunks

When Postgres stores physical rows, it aligns fields in 8-byte chunks 1. For 8-byte data types like a UUID or bigserial you don’t have to think about field ordering because it doesn’t matter, but when a type’s size isn’t a multiple of eight, space is lost to padding unless fields are tetris’ed to maximize storage efficiency.

Say we have CREATE TABLE foo (a int4, b int8, c int4). int4s are 4 bytes, so they’re padded to get to 8-byte alignment:

Row with space lost to padding

This can be avoided by reordering the int4s so they’re together (CREATE TABLE foo (a int4, c int4, b int8):

Row with fields tetris’ed for maximum storage efficiency

Most of the time it’s not worth thinking about. Storage may not be maximally efficient, but it’s efficient enough, and the largest values in a row like text or jsonb are stored out-of-band anyway. However, occasionally you have a situation where you want to store zillions of rows, and doing a little work to optimize tuple size yields returns (I came across a case like this recently which is why I’m writing about it). Eight wasted bytes is nothing, but what about eight times a million?

2nd Quadrant’s already written in good detail on column ordering (“On Rocks and Sand” – I’m giving them the lifetime award for most dramatic Postgres title) so I’ll avoid saying too much more on the subject, but I wanted to call out one of their queries that’s a handy way to reveal the type size of each column in a table:

SELECT a.attname, t.typname, t.typalign, t.typlen
  FROM pg_class c
  JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid)
  JOIN pg_type t ON (t.oid = a.atttypid)
 WHERE c.relname = 'user_order'
   AND a.attnum >= 0
 ORDER BY t.typlen DESC;

   attname   |   typname   | typalign | typlen 
 id          | int8        | d        |      8
 user_id     | int8        | d        |      8
 order_dt    | timestamptz | d        |      8
 ship_dt     | timestamptz | d        |      8
 receive_dt  | timestamptz | d        |      8
 item_ct     | int4        | i        |      4
 order_type  | int2        | s        |      2
 is_shipped  | bool        | c        |      1
 tracking_cd | text        | i        |     -1
 ship_cost   | numeric     | i        |     -1
 order_total | numeric     | i        |     -1

(typalign value meanings are c = char alignment, s = short alignment, i = int alignment (4 bytes on most machines), d = double alignment (8 bytes).)

You’ll generally start by putting the larger 8-byte stuff at the beginning, then work in descending order of type size, and leaving the variable-length values at the end, so this query gives you an easy starting point.

Another factor to consider is nullability. NULL values in Postgres aren’t stored as a value, but rather as a flag in a “null bitmap” located right after a heap tuple’s header. So if you’re really trying to optimize for size, it’d make sense to order nullable fields whose values are often omitted after non-null fields.

1 Technically chunks that are multiples of MAXALIGN which is pointer-sized, but I’m simplifying a little since the year is 2023.

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