Week two

I previously wrote about my results after one week of above average exercise and paying a closer eye to nutrition. Here’s week two:

Day Food Exercise Net Relative to 1,200 Cal Goal
June 13 2,450 1,770 -520
June 14 1,602 1,816 -1,414
June 15 3,701 1,183 +688
June 16 2,372 1,338 -166
June 17 2,155 1,201 -246
June 18 2,673 1,447 +26
June 19 3,030 2,460 -630
Total -2,262

I had eleven major exercise events for the week (i.e. sustained high heart rate for 45 minutes to an hour).

I started the week at 173 lbs. and ended at 172 lbs. The latter number has been fluctuating between 170 and 172, so I’m showing roughly the same downward trend as last week. Weigh-in this morning would probably have been more positive if it hadn’t been for the comprehensive spread of snacks at last night’s Warriors viewing.

I got through the whole week without drinking a single soda product (not even of the diet variety). A small win, but something that I haven’t done in years. I also cut sports drinks like Gatorade. I thought about trying to eliminate beer next, but in its case I think I’d prefer a strategy of moderation over abstinence.

I’m continuing to find the experiment beneficial, and will see it through until at least week three.

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