Building a Robust Live Reloader with WebSockets and Go

For the last couple weeks I’ve been making a few upgrades to the backend that generates this site (previously), with an aim on rebuilding it to be faster, more stable, and more efficient. The source is custom, and it’d accumulated enough cruft over the years through a hundred incremental augmentations to justify a little love.

I recently used Hugo for a few projects, another static site generate well-known for being one of the first written in Go, and fell in love with one of its features: live reloading. As a file changes in the generator’s development mode and a build is triggered, live reloading signals any web browsers open to the site to reload their content. Here’s a video of it in action:

A short video of the live reload feature in action: changes saved in the editor show up immediately in the browser.

It’s hard to be convinced just reading about it – it doesn’t seem like a big deal to just ⌘-Tab over to the browser and ⌘-R for a refresh – but the first time you try it, it’s hard not to get addicted. Although only a tiny quality of life improvement, it’s one that makes the writing experience much more fluid. And where it’s good for writing, it’s wonderful for design, where it’s common to make minor tweaks to CSS properties one at a time by the hundreds to get everything looking exactly right.

I decided to write my own live reloading implementation and was pleasantly surprised by how easy it turned out to be. The libraries available for Go to use as primitives were robust, and nicely encapsulated complicated concerns into simple APIs. Browser-level technologies like WebSockets are now reliable and ubiquitous enough to lend themselves to an easy client-side implementation with minimal fuss – just a few lines of basic JavaScript. No transpiling, no polyfills, no heavy build pipeline, no mess.

Here’s a short tour of the design.

The first piece of the puzzle is knowing when source files change so that we can signal a reload. Luckily Go has a great library for this in fsnotify, which hooks into operating system monitoring primitives and notifies a program over a channel when a change is detected. Basic usage is as simple as adding directories to a watcher and listening on a channel:

watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()

err = watcher.Add("./content")

for {
    select {
        case event := <-watcher.Events:
            log.Println("event:", event)

When something in the content directory changes, the program above emits a message like this one:

2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": WRITE

Now things are almost that easy, but a few practical considerations complicate things a little.

While saving a file in Vim (for example, but other editors may behave similarly), instead of an ideal single write event being emitted, instead we see a long stream of events like this:

2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/4913": CREATE
2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": CREATE
2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": RENAME
2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": CREATE
2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": CHMOD
2019/05/21 11:49:32 event: "./content/": REMOVE
2019/05/21 11:49:33 event: "./content/": CHMOD

And all of this for one save! What could possibly be going on? Well, various editors perform some non-intuitive gymnastics to help protect against edge failures. What we’re seeing here is a Vim concept called a “backup file” that exists to protect against the possibility that writing a change to a file fails midway and leaves a user with lost data 1. Here’s Vim’s full procedure in saving a file:

  1. Test to see if the editor is allowed to create files in the target directory by creating a file named 4913. The naming was chosen arbitrarily, but also to minimize the likelihood of a collision with a real file.

  2. Move the original file ( to the backup file, suffixed by a tilde (

  3. Write the new contents at the original filename (

  4. Copy the old permissions to the new file with chmod.

  5. On successful execution of all of the above, remove the backup file

It’s good to know that Vim has our back in preventing corruption, but all these changes aren’t particularly friendly to our build loop because they’ll trigger rebuilds for changes that won’t affect the built result. I solved this ignoring certain filenames in incoming events:

// Decides whether a rebuild should be triggered given some input
// event properties from fsnotify.
func shouldRebuild(path string, op fsnotify.Op) bool {
    base := filepath.Base(path)

    // Mac OS' worst mistake.
    if base == ".DS_Store" {
        return false

    // Vim creates this temporary file to see whether it can write
    // into a target directory. It screws up our watching algorithm,
    // so ignore it.
    if base == "4913" {
        return false

    // A special case, but ignore creates on files that look like
    // Vim backups.
    if strings.HasSuffix(base, "~") {
        return false


Special-casing byproducts of known editors isn’t incredibly elegant, but it’s pragmatic choice. The build would still work fine without the special cases, but it’d be less efficient. The pace of newly created editors isn’t so frantic so we won’t be able to keep up with the new styles of backup files and the like that they come up with.

It’s a nice feature to trigger a page reload as soon as possible after a build finishes, so the build loop will start immediately on changes to non-ignored files. This introduces a bit of a problem in that there may be additional changes that arrive in close succession after the first one while the build is still running. Time-to-reload is an important feature, but we can’t let it supersede correctness – every change needs to be captured to ensure that the final result is correct according the current state of the source.

We’ll cover that case by having two goroutines coordinate. A watch goroutine watches for file system changes and sends a signal to a build goroutine upon receiving one. If however, the build is still ongoing when a new change comes in, it will accumulate new events until being signaled that the build completed, at which point it will trigger a new one with the sum of the accumulated changes.

Goroutines coordinating builds even across changes that occur during an active build.
Goroutines coordinating builds even across changes that occur during an active build.

Builds are fast (we send just the names of files that changed to make them incremental), so usually only one change we’re interested will come in at a time, but in case many do, we’ll rebuild until they’ve all been accounted for. Multiple accumulated changes can be pushed into a single build, so we’ll also rebuild as many times as possible instead of once per change.

The watcher code with an accumulating inner loop looks something like this (simplified slightly for brevity):

for {
    select {
    case event := <-watchEvents:
        lastChangedSources := map[string]struct{}{event.Name: {}}

        if !shouldRebuild(event.Name, event.Op) {

        for {
            if len(lastChangedSources) < 1 {

            // Start rebuild
            rebuild <- lastChangedSources

            // Zero out the last set of changes and start
            // accumulating.
            lastChangedSources = nil

            // Wait until rebuild is finished. In the meantime,
            // accumulate new events that come in on the watcher's
            // channel and prepare for the next loop.
            for {
                select {
                case <-rebuildDone:
                    // Break and start next outer loop
                    break INNER_LOOP

                case event := <-watchEvents:
                    if !shouldRebuild(event.Name, event.Op) {

                    if lastChangedSources == nil {
                        lastChangedSources = make(map[string]struct{})

                    lastChangedSources[event.Name] = struct{}{}

To get WebSocket support in the backend we’ll use the Gorilla WebSocket package, another off-the-shelf library that abstracts away a lot of gritty details. Creating a WebSocket connection is as simple as a single invocation on an Upgrader object from the library:

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
    ReadBufferSize:  1024,
    WriteBufferSize: 1024,

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
    if err != nil {

    ... Use conn to send and receive messages.

There’s a little plumbing involved in the HTTP backend that we’ll skip over, but the important part is that the build goroutine will use a condition variable to signal the goroutines serving open WebSockets when a build completes. Unlike the much more common channel primitive, a condition variable allows a single controller to signal any number of waiting consumers that a change occurred.

var buildCompleteMu sync.Mutex
buildComplete := sync.NewCond(&buildCompleteMu)

// Signals all open WebSockets upon the completion of a
// successful build

Those goroutines will in turn pass the signal along to their clients as a JSON-serialized message:

// A type representing the extremely basic messages that
// we'll be serializing and sending back over a websocket.
type websocketEvent struct {
    Type string `json:"type"`

for {
    select {
    case <-buildCompleteChan:
        err := conn.WriteJSON(websocketEvent{Type: "build_complete"})
        if err != nil {
            c.Log.Errorf("<Websocket %v> Error writing: %v",
                conn.RemoteAddr(), writeErr)

The build goroutine broadcasting a completed rebuild to WebSocket goroutines that will message their clients.
The build goroutine broadcasting a completed rebuild to WebSocket goroutines that will message their clients.

The browser API for WebSockets is dead simple – a WebSocket object and a single callback. Upon receiving build_complete message from the server, we’ll close the WebSocket connection and reload the page.

Here’s the minimum viable implementation:

var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5002/websocket");

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
  switch(data.type) {
    case "build_complete":
      // 1000 = "Normal closure" and the second parameter is a
      // human-readable reason.
      socket.close(1000, "Reloading page after receiving build_complete");

      console.log("Reloading page after receiving build_complete");


      console.log(`Don't know how to handle type '${data.type}'`);

We want to keep the amount of JavaScript we write to a minimum, but it’d be nice to make sure that client connections are as robust as possible. In the event that a WebSocket terminates unexpectedly, or the build server restarts, they should try and reconnect so that the live reload feature stays alive.

Here we use a WebSocket’s onclose callback to set a timeout that tries to reconnect after five seconds. onclose is called even in the event of a connection failure, so this code will continually try to reconnect until either its tab is closed, or it’s successful.

function connect() {
  var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5002/websocket");

  socket.onclose = function(event) {
    console.log("Websocket connection closed or unable to connect; " +
      "starting reconnect timeout");

    // Allow the last socket to be cleaned up.
    socket = null;

    // Set an interval to continue trying to reconnect
    // periodically until we succeed.
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000)

  socket.onmessage = function(event) {


This implementation, although still quite simple, ends up working very reliably. It’s common for me to shut down my build server as I’m changing Go code in the backend, and with these few extra lines for resilience, the next time I restart it all background tabs that I had open immediately find the new server and start listening again almost immediately. The server could’ve been down for hours (or days!) and it still works just fine.

Building live reloading reminded me of the importance of good foundational layers that are well-abstracted. Fsnotify connects into one of three different OS-level monitoring APIs depending on the operating system (inotify, kqueue, or ReadDirectoryChangesW), and if you look at its implementation, does quite a lot of legwork to make that possible. But for us as the end user, it’s all hidden behind a couple function calls and two channels:

watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()

err = watcher.Add("/tmp/foo")

for {
    select {
        case event := <-watcher.Events:

        case err := <-watcher.Errors:

None of the package’s underlying complexity leaks into my program, which leaves me with a lot less to worry about.

Likewise with WebSockets, the most basic client implementation of live reload is about five lines of code, despite the behind-the-scenes work involved in getting a WebSocket open and connected. This is exactly what the road to reliable software looks like: layering on top of black boxes that expose a minimal API and whose walls are opaque – they can be expected to “just” work, so there’s no need to think too hard about what’s inside them.

1 Vim’s behavior with respect to backup files can be tweaked with various settings like backup and writebackup.

Did I make a mistake? Please consider sending a pull request.