Understand deeply

One of the most notable parts about technology workers in Silicon Valley is the depth which they’re willing to go to understand the technology they work with 1. Most of the world is happy to know just enough to be useful, and would never think to venture deeper.

For a database, that might look like learning some SQL and some basic administrative functions, but the underlying operation of the product was an entirely inscrutable black box. If anything went seriously wrong, you called Microsoft enterprise support.

The best people are not like that at all. Along with deep insight into advanced features of SQL and administration, they know how to peer beyond the curtain. They can explain its in-memory data structures, how it lays out information on disk, or describe the precise mechanics of its replication scheme.

Most people I’d known had been users, but I’d found new colleagues who were true engineers; able to pop the hood and get their hands dirty when the situation called for it.

For day-to-day work, users and engineers function about the same. The value of technology products is that you can treat them like a black box and maximize your productivity with them by only thinking about their outward interface.

It’s the times where you run into non-standard trouble that the difference shows. My favorite story is where I ran into overflowing job queues at Heroku. The manual couldn’t help us, but a colleague of mine understood the internals of Postgres so well that he was able to reason about what was happening just by thinking about it. We later verified his hypothesis empirically.

My approach to learning new technology has always been to install it, and bounce around between documentation and Stack Overflow answers until I built up a feel for it by rote trial and error. These days, I try to build my muscles slowly, but correctly, by attacking the learning from first principles. My latest endeavor is with Rust; it’s possible to write it by copying and pasting examples, but you’ll be fighting the borrow checker in perpetuity unless you really understand what it’s trying to do.

Aim to be an engineer and not just a user. Start with the manual, and endeavor not just to understand, but to understand deeply.

1 In retrospect, this turned out to be an especially prevalent trait among early Heroku engineers, but I use it to describe the Valley because in my experience, you’ll find more people with it here than elsewhere.

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